You need to create portfolio regarding to Cutleries , Chinaware, glassware and Crockery. Include also in the assignment :
1. Name
2. Function of each equipment
3. Relevant picture
Beverage Glasses
They come
in various sizes, shapes and capacities to fit your dining room needs.
Water Glasses
In a pinch, plastic drink ware can be
used in lieu of glass, especially when it comes to serving water.
Iced Tea Glasses

Juice Glasses

Beer Mugs and Steins
Function :
These heavy thick mugs are designed to hold
beer without breakage. They have sturdy handles for easier lifting. Beer steins
are a special kind of beer mug that originated in German.
Beer Glasses
Function :
Pilaster glasses are flared with the top being
wider than the bottom. Pint glasses are perfect for holding water, soda or
beers and ciders from the tap.
Hurricane Glasses
Function :
These glasses are shaped like the
old-fashioned hurricane lamps, and are designed to hold fruity cocktails and
other drink concoctions.
Margarita Glasses
Function :
Margarita glasses are usually large with a
bowl shape, and sometimes have a smaller bowl below the large bowl for a
decorative touch. The glass is wide so that the rim can be coated in salt or
sugar to accent the drink.
Martini and Cocktail Glasses
Function :
For serving martinis or any other cocktail,
use a martini glass or cocktail glass. The triangular bowl shape holds
martinis, cosmopolitans, manhattans, and other fun cocktails.
Rocks Glasses
When a customer asks for a mixed drink served
on the rocks, reach for a rocks glass. These small tumblers can also be used to
serve mixed drinks and liqueur drinks.
Highball Glasses
These tall glasses are perfect for holding
larger cocktails and mixed drinks, like whiskey and soda, Long Island iced tea,
a mojito or a Bloody Mary.
Old Fashioned Glasses
These glasses are also known as lowball
glasses, and can work as rocks glasses. They are great for holding small mixed
drinks like the Old Fashioned.
These glasses are designed to hold a Tom
Collins mixed drink, but can be used to hold any number of mixed drinks. They
resemble highball glasses, but highball glasses are usually shorter and wider.
Shot, Shooter and Whiskey Glasses
For measuring or serving shots, use a shot,
shooter or whiskey glass. These glasses can be used to hold single liquors or
liquor concoctions. Shooter glasses are usually taller than shot glasses, while
whiskey glasses are wide enough to fit ice. The bottoms of the glasses are
extra thick, so that they absorb the shock of being slammed on a surface.
Brandy Snifters
These glasses have a shorter stem than wine
glasses and are designed to hold brandy, a spirit that is made from distilled
wine and often served after dinner. The glasses are capable of holding much
more liquid than should be poured.
Coffee Glasses
These glass mugs can be used to hold any type
of warm or iced beverage, such as coffee, tea or cider. In a bar setting, they
are often used to serve Irish coffee, because the glass mug keeps the beverage
warm while adding a decorative touch to the drink.
Cordial Glasses
A cordial glass can be used to serve any kind
of sweet liqueurs. They can also function as an elegant glass for serving beer
Cosmopolitan Glasses
Ideal for holding cosmos or other mixed
drinks, cosmopolitan glasses resemble a stemless cocktail glass.
Red Wine Glasses
wine glasses are designed to have a larger rim so that the person drinking the
wine can smell the aroma while sipping the wine.
White Wine Glasses
White wine glasses have a smaller rim than the
red. The stemmed glasses keep chilled wines cooler longer, as the person
drinking the wine can hold the stem instead of holding the glass.
Sherry Glasses
Function :
Sherry glasses resemble red wine glasses, only
they are a bit smaller and are made to hold fortified wines, like port, or
wines with a strong aroma.
Glass Goblets
Goblets have a shorter stem than wine glasses,
but can still be used to hold wine or sherry. They can also be used to hold
water or other beverages.
Champagne Glasses
Function :
The small opening helps keep the carbonation
inside of the glass longer. These glasses are great for holding mimosas and
other cocktails as well as champagne.
- Cutlery Name : Table Spoon
The Use : A tablespoon is the largest type of spoon used for
eating from a bowl. Usually used for serving.
- Cutlery Name : Table Fork
The Use : Table Fork was use to eat the main course of the menu.
It was the large fork in the type of fork.

- Cutlery Name : Beef Fork
The Use : A fork
used specifically for picking up thin slices of meat. It's shaped like a
fork but it's bigger and the tines are curved outward.
- Cutlery Name : Salad Fork
The Use : This fork are usually use for eat salad . Same general idea of a dinner fork but it's a bit smaller and
the tines are shorter.
- Cutlery Name : Dessert spoon
The Use : The shape is ovoid (like a tablespoon) but the size is
roughly the same size as a soup spoon. It will almost always be placed above the plate .
- Cutlery Name : Soup Spoon
Use : A soup spoon is a type of spoon with a large or rounded bowl, used for
consuming soup
- Cutlery Name : Teaspoon
The Use : Used for tea , cocktails, ice creams , dessert coupes
and sugar spoon