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Thursday 9 October 2014






·         When a drink contains eggs, fruit juices or cream, it is necessary to shake the ingredients.
·         Shaking is the method by which you use a cocktail or mocktails shaker to mix ingredients together and chill them simultaneously.
·         The object is to almost freeze the drink whilst breaking down and combining the ingredients.
·         Normally this is done with ice cubes three-quarters of the way full. When you've poured in the ingredients, hold the shaker in both hands, with one hand on top and one supporting the base, and give a short, sharp, snappy shake.
·         It's important not to rock your cocktail to sleep. When water has begun to condense on the surface of the shaker, the cocktail should be sufficiently chilled and ready to be strained.


·         You can stir mocktails effectively with a metal or glass rod in a mixing glass.
·         If ice is to be used, use ice cubes to prevent dilution, and strain the contents into a glass when the surface of the mixing glass begins to collect condensation.


·         An electric blender is needed for recipes containing fruit or other ingredients which do not break down by shaking.
·         Blending is an appropriate way of combining these ingredients with others, creating a smooth ready to serve mixture.
·         Some recipes will call for ice to be placed in the blender, in which case you would use a suitable amount of crushed ice.


·         To layer or float an ingredient
(ie. cream, liqueurs) on top of another, use the rounded or back part of a spoon and rest it against the inside of a glass.
·         Slowly pour down the spoon and into the glass.
·         The ingredient should run down the inside of the glass and remain seperated from the ingredient below it.
·         Learning the approximate weight of certain liqueurs and such will allow you to complete this technique more successfully, as lighter ingredients can then be layered on top of heavier ones.

Tuesday 23 September 2014


Chinese Theme Table D'hote

Sample Chinese Table D'hote

Introduction :

Customs and etiquette in Chinese dining are the traditional behaviors observed while eating in Greater China. Traditional Han customs have spread throughout East Asia, but sometimes evolved differently – especially following the Communist revolution that produced the PRC. Even within Mainland China, there are many customs and protocols involved in formal dining, applying to almost all aspects of the experience, from guest seating to paying the bill.

Chinese Theme Attire For Fine Dining

Chinese attire :

The China House adheres to a smart dress code for all guests, including children. Ladies are kindly asked to wear elegant attire and proper footwear. Gentlemen are kindly asked to wear smart shirt, long trousers and closed shoes. 

This is our sample of menu card for chinese table d'hote.

Chinese Cuisine :
Chinese cuisine includes styles originating from the diverse regions of China, as well as from Chinese people in other parts of the world. The history of Chinese cuisine in China stretches back for thousands of years and has changed from period to period and in each region according to climate, imperial fashions, and local preferences. Over time, techniques and ingredients from the cuisines of other cultures were integrated into the cuisine of the Chinese people due both to imperial expansion and from the trade with nearby regions in pre-modern times, and from Europe and the New World in the modern period.
Styles and tastes also varied by class, region, and ethnic background. This led to an unparalleled range of ingredients, techniques, dishes and eating styles in what could be called Chinese food, leading Chinese to pride themselves on eating a wide variety of foods while remaining true to the spirit and traditions of Chinese food culture.
The Eight Culinary Cuisines of ChinaProminent styles of Chinese cuisine outside China include Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. But there is Chinese cuisine wherever Chinese people are found. The staple foods of Chinese cooking include rice, noodles, vegetables, and sauces and seasonings.

While this is the table setting applied for that day.

Tips For Setting A Chinese Table Dining :

1. The Asian-inspired table setting above by Social Couture is one of my favorites. I like the simplicity of the white plates, the silver chargers, the bamboo table runners used as placemats, and then - bam! - the bright orange paper fans. They provide so much visual interest that little else is needed to create a great looking table.
2. A dinner party can be a great time to show off your collection of blue and white porcelain. Used ginger jars as the starting point for the beautiful blue and white themed.Instead of one big centerpiece, notice how she used multiple containers and kept them low.
3. Fan-shaped plates bowls and red flatware in the black, red and white Asian-inspired. The centerpiece is especially creative – dried hydrangea spray painted black, placed inside a red satin Chinese takeout box with chopsticks!
4. Placing a square gold charger diagonally over the black plate adds drama and dimension to the Asian-inspired place setting.
As you’ve seen, there are about as many different ways to set an Asian-inspired table as there are occasions to do it for. And the nice thing is, you really can get the look just by adding a few accessories to dinnerware, flatware or table linens you already have. No need to splurge on everything new - unless, of course, you want to!

Thank you for viewing ! :D

Thursday 18 September 2014


fish fillet, from the French word  meaning a thread or strip, is the flesh of a fish which has been cut or sliced away from the bone by cutting lengthwise along one side of the fish parallel to the backbone. In preparation for filleting, any scales on the fish should be removed. 

The contents of the stomach also need careful detaching from the fillet. Because fish fillets do not contain the larger bones running along the vertebrate, they are often said to be "boneless". However, some species, such as the common carp, have smaller intramuscular bones called pins within the fillet. The skin present on one side may or may not be stripped from the fillet. 

Butterfly fillets can be produced by cutting the fillets on each side in such a way that they are held together by the flesh and skin of the belly.

Salad tossing to guest

Wiping Technique


Fruit Cutting : Banana

Fruit Cutting : Kiwi


Fruit Cutting : Apple
Fruit Cutting : Orange

Thursday 21 August 2014



Today we will teach you how to open a table and use chair trolley.

1. Use a trolley to move the table and the table stand.
Pick up the table stand from the trolley, 
careful because the stand might be quite heavy.

2. After you put it down, make sure the flip side is at your side or near you.

3.Hold the first flipped side and open it by pulling it back.

4. Repeat it at the another side, be careful of your finger.  

5. After you open the leg, you need to pull the lock because if u forget 
to pull that lock from inside your table might be fall down when you 
put something on it.
6. Pull the stand vertically, make sure it is stable enough and not vibrate or moving.

7. Lastly put the table and make sure it is center. Now your table is ready to use.

Table Cloth : Laying and changing

Firstly, you will need to know how to fold your table cloth correctly.

1. First, you will need to divide the table cloth to each folded section.

2. Second, determine the side of the table cloth. Make sure the sewing part is against you.

3. This is the folded section. It will look like ' W ' shape.

4. Lay your table cloth first.

5. Fold the left side first. Please remember to left a little space located in the middle of the table cloth.
6. For the right side, just repeat step5.

7. Fold to a smaller size.
8. Repeat step7 for both side.

9. This is how it looks like.

10. Lastly, fold to your left hand side.

Laying the Table Cloth

1. Firstly, place your table cloth at the middle of your table.

2. Open each folded section for both left and right side.

3. Repeat step2.

4. Place the table cloth little bit to the middle of the table.

5. Place your finger in each section and hold it.

6. Firstly, lay down the first section and drag the table cloth towards you.

7. Repeat step6 until all the three section are all layed.

8. Final touch.

Changing the table cloth.

1. First, you will need to find the table cloth line.

2. After that, hold on to that line.

3. Then, pull the table cloth until the edge of the table.

4. From that line first line, fold it to the third line.

5. Then, lay the replace table cloth and open it.

6. You should be able to see three line on the table cloth.

7. Place your finger in each section just as same for you to lay the table cloth.

8. After that, lay the table cloth first as usual.

9. The remaining of your fingers should hold on to the soiled table cloth. Hold on to that, then just drag and replace.

10. Place the soiled table linen on the chair never on the floor.

11. Final touch.

Clearing table 

1. Firstly, lift the wooden surface from it base.

2. Lift up the base.

3. Fold the base according to it section.

4. For easier way, kick gently the supporting rod of the table base.

5. Repeat step4.

6. Fold the table base according to it section.

7. Keep the table base safe. Thank you.


1. What you need is a chair trolley and chair of course.
Hold the chair at the holder and use your foot to push
the trolley.

2. Push until the chair touch the body of the trolley.
Make sure the chair stacking is not more than 10 pics, otherwise it may fall into you.

3. Lastly step backward a bit and pull the chair down while keep 
you hand that hold the trolley steady and firm, you need use the leverage from the chair
and transfer it to the hand that you use to hold the trolley. That all for the trolley.